Investigating the Immune Dysregulation in Long COVID-19



Immunoregulation Research Center , Shahed University< Tehran, Iran


The long COVID-19 syndrome is a complex clinical state that lasts for several months and extends beyond the initial acute infectious phase. More than 200 known symptoms impact two or more organ systems. The most common symptoms include arthralgia, weakness, exhaustion, low effort tolerance, cognitive impairment, poor focus, palpitations, and chest pain. Approximately 65 million people globally are affected by long coronavirus disease (COVID-19), calculated from a conservative estimate of 10% of infected individuals and over 651 million officially recorded COVID-19 cases globally. The actual number is likely much greater because of numerous unregistered cases. The estimated incidence is 10% to 30% for non-hospitalized cases, 50% to 70% for hospitalized cases, and 10% to 12% for vaccinated cases.
