About Journal

Immunoregulation is an open access and peer-reviewed journal, publishing high quality research papers.  Immunoregulation is the official publication of the “Immunoregulation Research Center of  Shahed  University”  which has scientifically supported by “Iranian Society for Immunology and Allergy (ISIA)” . The Journal will focus on basic, experimental and clinical studies on immunoregulation and related topics.


Bibliographic Information











Journal Disciplines

 Clinical Status,



 Cell Therapy,

 Social Status and Life Style,

 Traditional Medicine and Medicinal Plants,




Start Year

  Winter and Spring 2017



Type of Material

  Serial (Periodical)

Owner Organization

 Shahed University


  Tooba Ghazanfari, PhD


  Negah Institute for Social Research & Scientific  Communication 

   In Cooperation with Negah Scientific   Publisher




  Double-blind Peer Review

Type of Access

  Open Access (OA)

Full text available format


Type of License


Plagiarism Detection Software


Article Processing Charges

  Free of charge

Principles of Publishing Ethics

  COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practices

Document Identifier Type






Open Access Policy


Immunoregulation is  owned by Shahed University and published by Negah Institute for Scientific Communication. Our philosophy in Negah journals is that all research is for the benefit of humankind and research is the product of an investment by society and therefore its fruits should be returned to all people without borders or discrimination, serving society universally and in a transparent fashion. That is why Negah provides online free and open access to all of its research publications. So, all the publishing costs have been supported by Shahed University, therefore, authors may publish their manuscripts and audiences can download and share the articles, freely.


Under  Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing (June 20, 2003), Negah Journals are fully compliant with open access mandates, by publishing its articles under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence (CC-BY-NC). Authors retain copyright of their work and can deposit their publication in any repository. This means that articles can be freely redistributed and reused by the author and others as long as the article is properly cited. Published articles in Negah Journals can be deposited immediately into an online repository or social network without any cost. Negah Journals articles can be emailed to colleagues, printed, archived in a collection, included in course-packs, and distributed without restrictions. Please read the full Creative Commons license for further information.

Financial Policies


Article Processing Charges

As Shahed University has supported all of the publishing costs of Immunoregulation, article processing charge and any other publication fees in the journal are free for authors.


Immunoregulation has published as an open access electronic journal, so there is no subscription fee for audiences.


Immunoregulation hasn’t accepted and published any advertisement in the journal website and articles. 

Archiving Policy
The purpose of this archiving policy is to ensure the long-term preservation, accessibility, and security of scholarly content published in the Immunoregulation. As a reputable academic journal, we recognize the importance of archiving to safeguard knowledge and facilitate future research. By implementing this archiving policy, Immunoregulation aims to contribute to the global scholarly community by ensuring the longevity and accessibility of our valuable research output.

Archiving Mechanisms
 Abstracting & Indexing Services:
Immunoregulation content will be indexed by various abstracting and indexing services including  Ebsco, Academia, Google Scholar, etc. Authors, readers, and researchers can find our articles through these services. The “Abstracting & Indexing” page of our journal has provided detailed information on the specific services covering our titles.

Submitted Manuscript (Pre-print):
The initial version, submitted by authors, can be archived by authors in institutional repositories or subject-specific repositories.

Accepted Manuscript (Post-print or Author’s Accepted Manuscript):
Authors can archive this version in repositories, subject to any embargo periods or licensing requirements.

Published Version (Version of Record):
While we encourage self-archiving, the published version is accessible directly from our journal’s platform and the publisher depository.